
লা-তাহ্‌যান হতাশ হবেন না ( Don't Be Sad ) By Aaidh Al-Qarni

Don't Be Sad Book Image

"La Tahzan" is an Arabic book written by Dr. Aaidh Ibn Abdullah Al-Qarni. It is an Islamic motivational book specially written for sad, depressed and hopeless people. It gives specific guidelines on how to deal with different life situations.

"Don't Be Sad" is an English version of the book. The Bengali book ( লা-তাহ্‌যান, হতাশ হবেন না ) contains 573 pages.

The book is divided into smaller chapters. The readers can pick up any of the chapters without reading previous chapters. It is a very well written book which is full of advice from Quran and Sunnah. But the author also uses other excellent sources and all knowledge comes from the Almighty and All-knowing.

Book Name: Don't Be Sad ( লা-তাহ্‌যান, হতাশ হবেন না )

Book Writer: Aaidh Ibn Abdullah Al-Qarni ( ড. আইদ আল কারণী )

Book Translator: ডা. হাফেজ মাওলানা মোহাম্মদ নূর হোছাইন

Book Publisher: Peace Publication ( পিস পাবলিকেশন )

Book language: Bengali

Book Pages: 573

File Size: 37.9 MB

Book Link

1. লা-তাহ্‌যান হতাশ হবেন না