The work presented here is an English translation of the famous book of Inheritance ‘As-Sirajiyyah’ (Hanafi school of jurisprudence).
It should be noted that this translation was done by Sir William Jones, an orientalist and judge in the times of British occupation in India.
Notes and commentary are from Almaric Rumsey, another orientalist.
We accordingly advise that this book should ONLY BE STUDIED UNDER AN AUTHENTIC ISLAMIC SCHOLAR to remove any doubts about the correctness of translation and commentary.
This translation is not recommended for use by anyone other than learned scholars and those studying under them because of the difficulty of the subject.
Book Name : As Sirajiyyah Fil Mirath
Book Writer: Shaikh Siraj Ud Din Muhammad Bin Abdur Rasheed Al-Sajawandee Al-Hanafi
Book Pages: 102
File Size: 2.37 MB
1. As Sirajiyyah Fil Mirath - English Translation